Reality F1 - Fantasy F1 competition

Sad Cheap Bankers - 2013 mini-league details League's news feed

League breakdown

League position = 33rd
Average points = 1834.00
Standard deviation = 66.65

Pos Team name Owner Points
1 Victory Rockstar Player has won the Keke award Player has won the Lauda award 1893.00
2 KwikKiwi Porkie League owner Player has won the Keke award Player has won The Finger award Player has won the Faster than you award Player has won the Lauda award Player has won the Red5 award 1890.00
3 Famous Five Aussenback Player has won the Bertaggia award 1783.50
4 Wildfire Firefly 1769.50

Star icon identifies the league owner.

Achievements won

  • Bertaggia - awarded to the player who spends the most races in last place.
  • Faster than you - awarded to any player who loses the lead of the league at the last race of the season. (Secret award)
  • Keke - awarded to any player who spends half (or more) of the races in the top two positions of the league.
  • Lauda - awarded to the first and second players in a league if, at the end of the season, their scores differ by just 0.5% of the leader's score. (Secret award)
  • Red5 - awarded to any player who remains in first place in the league for five races in a row. (Secret award)
  • The Finger - awarded to the player who spends the most races in first place in the league.

Race by race breakdown

Famous Five54.2580.0084.5094.2585.7584.7559.0095.00112.00137.2555.0071.50153.25158.25100.00131.0056.0059.7572.00