Reality F1 - Fantasy F1 competition

Line League - 2014 mini-league details League's news feed


Liga dos muskas da linha

League breakdown

League position = 21st
Average points = 2502.19
Standard deviation = 346.83

Pos Team name Owner Points
1 Xuly team xulyvert League owner Player has won the Canadian Button award Player has won the Keke award Player has won The Finger award 2763.50
2 MPZONE_F1 Mpzone Player has won the Canadian Button award Player has won the Keke award 2729.25
3 pecciolif1 pecciolif1 Player has won the Keke award 2504.75
4 MUSKALEXF1 ALEXISPORT Player has won the Bertaggia award 2011.25

Star icon identifies the league owner.

Achievements won

  • Bertaggia - awarded to the player who spends the most races in last place.
  • Canadian Button - awarded to any player who moves from last place to first place.
  • Keke - awarded to any player who spends half (or more) of the races in the top two positions of the league.
  • The Finger - awarded to the player who spends the most races in first place in the league.

Race by race breakdown

Xuly teamNone129.00164.50144.50122.50167.5068.50159.50122.50186.50154.50105.50112.50112.50128.50168.50156.00116.50354.00