Reality F1 - Fantasy F1 competition

The Robbins-Flowers Family - 2007 mini-league details League's news feed


2005 Champions and 2006 Runners-up, this year to keep things nice and neat we are aiming for third.

League breakdown

League position = 4th
Average points = 1158.33
Standard deviation = 98.48

Pos Team name Owner Points
1 Old Gold CaravanClub Gary 1227.00
2 Lee's shirt is green keith 1202.50
3 Decidedly Average mark League owner 1045.50

Star icon identifies the league owner.

Race by race breakdown

Old Gold CaravanClub79.0080.5059.5033.5075.0081.2556.7570.0087.2544.0077.0088.5077.5095.5035.2575.50111.00
Lee's shirt is green56.5067.5049.5079.5083.5077.5074.0058.0079.0053.5073.5070.0088.5089.5053.5076.0073.00
Decidedly Average76.0073.7553.0054.5088.0044.5091.0054.0055.5062.5042.2545.0058.0065.5063.0051.0068.00