Reality F1 - Fantasy F1 competition

ILRT MOJO - 2006 mini-league details League's news feed


A local league for ILRT people.

League breakdown

League position = 15th
Average points = 1285.41
Standard deviation = 108.98

Pos Team name Owner Points
1 Born Speedy 2006 Kieren League owner 1410.50
2 SeaGulls EmmaP 1375.00
3 Fiery Skidmarks ghost of senna 1341.25
4 Duffcub Racing '06 PaulSm 1336.50
5 Roadrunner Grant 1296.75
6 Rock Tortoise Ant 1260.75
7 Huh? sarah ag 1183.50
8 Ego Motors Nelson_Picket 1079.00

Star icon identifies the league owner.

Race by race breakdown

Born Speedy 2006127.0055.5082.5082.50116.0069.0066.5080.0083.5074.5082.5067.0061.0063.0065.5078.7563.5092.25
Fiery Skidmarks111.0045.25100.5078.0076.0077.0052.2577.00101.2556.5067.5067.0056.5037.50103.0063.0085.0087.00
Duffcub Racing '0697.2536.7563.5081.5087.0084.0073.2596.0092.2557.0055.0044.0063.5080.5070.0070.0083.00102.00
Rock Tortoise75.00107.5093.7553.2528.0051.2571.2572.0056.2587.7586.7581.7552.0070.0071.0050.0083.2570.00
Ego Motors19.0077.0090.7545.0080.5058.5078.0072.5047.0032.2558.5025.0092.0034.2570.2573.7559.0065.75