Reality F1 - Fantasy F1 competition

Arm - 2022 mini-league details League's news feed


Yup, still doing this... Is anyone going to join?

League breakdown

League position = 35th
Average points = 2197.28
Standard deviation = 234.52

Pos Team name Owner Points
1 Sogna in Grande jc091275 Player has won the Keke award Player has won The Finger award Player has won the Red5 award 2386.75
2 Harrier Racing Rach Player has won the Canadian Button award Player has won the Red5 award 2322.50
3 Toto shrunk my pods Idris Player has won the Canadian Button award 2315.63
4 McAlpine Cyril the Meatball 2154.88
5 MegaMotors Adam League owner Player has won the Bertaggia award 1806.63

Star icon identifies the league owner.

Achievements won

  • Bertaggia - awarded to the player who spends the most races in last place.
  • Canadian Button - awarded to any player who moves from last place to first place.
  • Keke - awarded to any player who spends half (or more) of the races in the top two positions of the league.
  • Red5 - awarded to any player who remains in first place in the league for five races in a row. (Secret award)
  • The Finger - awarded to the player who spends the most races in first place in the league.

Race by race breakdown

Sogna in Grande117.00122.25132.75112.50107.7578.00114.7547.75107.75103.50123.0073.50100.50130.00118.50127.50115.0064.25158.0098.75126.50107.25
Harrier Racing103.7599.5071.25110.0092.00123.50111.2593.75103.00108.50102.50134.75108.00144.2591.00147.0091.7547.00121.5078.25140.2599.75
Toto shrunk my pods65.7595.00152.75109.50147.7596.00113.2582.75106.2574.00100.75103.00102.0089.0097.5074.25140.5042.38144.0085.25193.7580.25