Reality F1 - Fantasy F1 competition

2016 Brazilian Grand Prix results

Race results from the 2016 Brazilian Grand Prix.

Pos Team name Owner Points
1 Gold medal winner White Stick Racinng Barry 185.75
- Gold medal winner Struthio Mink Newberry 185.75
- Gold medal winner Penelope Pitstop Penelope pitsop 185.75
- Gold medal winner Farmer Racing F1 Tom Farmer 185.75
5 Silver medal winner VRoooom..VRoooom Front_Row 178.25
- Silver medal winner Mechanical Animal howard 178.25
- Silver medal winner Parnell(A) racing RichB 178.25
- Silver medal winner May the Force India be with u stetheo 178.25
9 Bronze medal winner The Vale Dean 175.50
- Bronze medal winner easyWin Flying Scotsman 175.50
- Bronze medal winner McCedes JohnMc 175.50
- Bronze medal winner Arabian Oryx Racing MM 175.50
- Bronze medal winner Norfolk and Chance Norfolk and Chance 175.50
- Bronze medal winner Gadaffi Duck Olbeth 175.50
15 TailHangers Chrispy 175.25
- Red Bullocks Laurie 175.25
17 Drubbing daddy Hayden 175.00
- Weigh Ahead Matt W 175.00
- Monkey monkey 175.00
- Team G Ncwg4 175.00
- Scuderia Ricardo Rich-e-Mental 175.00
22 Benetton Dan Bennett 174.50
- Brains not Brawn Idris 174.50
24 White Rose Racing Daniel Farmer 174.00
- MGliderF1 Mgzinha 174.00
26 MumSR MumSR 173.75
27 Maldanados Monkies Ben 166.50
- Maki 2 BOOBOO 166.50
- ClappAttack Racing ClappAttack 166.50
- Baby Formula Josur 166.50
- Red5 Mac 166.50
- Mel Team Meluncia 166.50
- MG Junior F1 MG Junior 166.50
- mk_racing mk_racing 166.50
- Chilli Egg Sandwich Racing Rattler 166.50
- Xuly Team xulyvert 166.50
37 Barstewards F1 allanchast 166.00
- Shake n Bake! Jack Becket 166.00
39 Wheels of mass destruction Biosp 165.00
- No KERS and Gurney Flaps Kieren 165.00
- Skid Marx Me 165.00
- This Year is Mine psylsph 165.00
- AMG wilson wilsa 71 165.00
44 PK2016 puneethkumar 164.50
- Andy & Rosa Skid Thorpedo 164.50
46 Mighty Blue Justice The Tick 164.00
47 Micra Toryory 162.00
48 Cois Tra Ramblers Aidan 160.50
49 Flying Wurzels One Man Riot 159.50
50 Back Sack & Crack ghost of senna 157.75
- Old Stanfordians John and Chris 157.75
52 Hurm... Rorschach 157.00
53 LEWY'S LEGENDS Andy Lewis 155.75
- Vixen Racing Angel H 155.75
- Team 47D ASJ 155.75
- TeamFollowers Asko 155.75
- Ecurie Ecosse AustinRover 155.75
- Halliggye Blues BigAl 155.75
- SuperSeb bitzer 155.75
- Spiv Racing 2016 Flash Harry 155.75
- Old Gold Caravan Club Gary 155.75
- GNDN Guy 155.75
- H7 F1 H7 F1 155.75
- Epic Fail hmelis 155.75
- Allstar Carman jc091275 155.75
- Colonel Kebabs kdouglas1006 155.75
- No idea keith 155.75
- Walliams Lymbo 155.75
- Better Than My Dad Too Mateo 155.75
- CB Tech mic1000 155.75
- Mitchcedes Mitch 155.75
- Careless Whisper Nabeel 155.75
- Lucie's driving NathalieFr 155.75
- Flailing wildly Nic.C 155.75
- Ecurie PV Panu 155.75
- Cubsy's Cars PC 155.75
- Peccioli f1 pecciolif1 155.75
- plasmo F1 plasmo 155.75
- KwikKiwi Porkie 155.75
- ReDs Rocket Racers ReDGryffyN 155.75
- rosbifracing rosbif 155.75
- eXcellence Ruben Goncalo 155.75
- Pitstop Pundit Sassy Cat 155.75
- Red Car & Blue Car Slate 155.75
- Tarw Goch TexasPete 155.75
- Loose Bolt Trevor 155.75
- Middle Earth Pit Crew Wasp 155.75
88 HaynesF1 DavidH 155.25
89 Bubblegum Blasters Big BOB 155.00
90 LincolnLad AdiLee 154.75
- Faster Faster D Boogie 154.75
92 Ozzie Rules Martin Lymn 154.50
93 Jeannief1 jeanief1 152.75
94 Batforce chao_xian 152.50
95 ChastF1 ACT2 152.25
- Teddy Yip's Leftovers FelixFelix 152.25
- Wacky Racers Millar 152.25
98 Better Than My Dad luka 151.50
- F1 Submarines SubmarinerF1 151.50
100 Claire's Champions Claire_12 151.25
- Speedwell Ivypotts 151.25
102 Al's Allstars Alpha Al's Allstars 147.50
- unlucky13 unlucky13 147.50
104 James Hunts Chloe 147.00
- SexPanther Racing OO Agent 147.00
106 Drubbing daddy too Leah 146.00
107 Brimberry F1 ABrimberry 145.75
- Force4Brimberry AMBrimberry 145.75
- The Dark Side of the Force BBrimberry 145.75
- Tristan of Emsworth KevWalling 145.75
- Absolutely Caracas Malbotnado 145.75
- MpzoneF1 Mpzone 145.75
113 Henry Honda Lynda 144.25
114 None shall pass Chicaner 142.50
115 hotgasleaks16 geoffincornwall 142.00
- Kitkat! KitKat 142.00
- Mpenrod Mpenrod 142.00
- Sammerarri Sammi 142.00
- Theaspicioway Theaspicioway 142.00
120 Crash Test Dummies Chris Harriman 141.50
- DavaRacingOnRedBull David M 141.50
- Speedy rgrigsby 141.50
- Kempy F1 Simon Kemp 141.50
124 Piston Tyred XV Hatch 141.00
- MFJ F1 MFJ 141.00
126 Space bits DJohnson 140.75
127 Road Runners Nic 139.50
128 Kaanaa Canucks janne 139.00
- Suit Up F1 wildheart90 139.00
130 Shake 'n Bake Andy Stod 138.75
- grandad grandad 138.75
- Farty Turbo Jonny 138.75
- Red Fool Racing StressedDave 138.75
- WellyWackyRacers Wellytronics 138.75
135 Harrier Racing Rach 138.00
136 Brendans Brum Brums Brendan 137.00
- Decidedly Average mark 137.00
- Fast af Steven Kelly 137.00
- Tim's Titans timrees 137.00
140 Frogs Racing ChrisG 136.50
141 The Crazy Collection Ben S 136.00
- Karolino Pretro domotec 136.00
143 Tom's tactical mess tom_c76 135.50
144 Stonetown Racing Luke Stone 135.00
145 A Close Second Richie Harber 134.75
146 Speedy Gonzalez anthony 134.25
- 220 Racing carl_w 134.25
- Look But Never Stare Kirsty 134.25
- Toro(nto) Rosso Paddy H 134.25
150 Hunting withCogs John Smith 133.75
151 PDP Elite Peter Payne 131.50
152 Team DSR DuncSR 130.25
153 Team MLG Team MLG 130.00
154 Skinner F1 Team Colin Skinner 128.75
- Kobayashi Cowboys Matt_C 128.75
156 Haar$e F1 Danny Boy 128.50
- Rozza' s Dream Team Of Speed Rozza 128.50
159 Cutforth Racing Luke Cutforth 127.75
160 The Flash racer ricky 127.00
161 Walrusport Wm_cam7 126.50
162 UnderACheever iansealy 126.25
163 Are there any pink cars? Emma Harding 125.50
- DOOM lord vile 125.50
- Budgie SophieC 125.50
166 Prefer playing trains Matthew Harding 125.00
- Bath New Way nrparmar 125.00
168 Who is the snail at the back? Roller Thorpe 124.75
169 In the Pitts V 123.75
170 parmar bparmar 123.50
- CornishCrusaders Jeffers 123.50
- I Gott'a Winn'a GP Luco 123.50
- Dynamo Chicken Kiev F1 Matt96 123.50
174 HorsepowerF1 Chrisjh007 123.00
- FB Racing OakleyF1 123.00
- Team räkä Pasi T 123.00
- Va Va Voom Shelley 123.00
178 OMG's are Go! Disney 122.50
- Red or Dead Hamish 122.50
180 Sisupaths Reginald C Hopsticks 120.75
181 Nohands can drive Nigel 120.25
182 Brake Dust Ste 119.75
183 smellofrubber Nuttyneill 119.50
- R3id3333 for the WIN Reideeees Racers 119.50
185 Darwin Racing IanR 119.25
186 Lego Performance Racing HarryB 119.00
- Farmer Boy Little Jim Hatch 119.00
188 Fatboyz Avsejs 118.50
189 Ian F1 Ian 118.00
190 Cazzzaa Caz 117.75
191 TrenthamRacing tomtrentham 117.00
192 henna's halfwits hennahairgel 116.75
193 Leeds Best Andrew S 115.75
- F1Markus Markus 115.75
195 BAZINGA#36 faygate 114.50
196 Aussenback Aussenback 114.25
- Carrot Jacks Racers Carrot 114.25
- JB Racing Green 114.25
199 Robbys Rapido's Rob Horton 113.50
200 Gonzo Racing NellieC 112.25
201 Picasso Racing alan charlton 111.00
202 Luckyrat Racing Chris 110.50
203 Cabinetmaker John Martin 110.00
204 Rock Tortoise Ant 109.75
205 Cant be Haased CraigH95 109.50
206 F1 Bagged Wrist Team Pathe 109.25
207 Slap heads wheels Raino75 108.50
208 Racing Pickup Truck Manoir 108.00
209 betterlatethanlast Ally...w 107.75
- Pittstop Peter 107.75
211 Driveclub chub 107.50
- GTR Racing Dan Bint 107.50
213 Serenityf1 spectre51 107.25
- Dos Bended Boobages Guidi w0ffle 107.25
215 DBRacing dcbirch 106.75
216 QwikKiwi QwikKiwi 104.00
217 Team RMFG Ricardo Goncalo 103.00
218 apple blossom Amber Rose 101.25
219 Carshare Mach 101.00
- The Masked Marvels The Masked Marvel 101.00
221 Skid Solo Petrolhead2 100.50
222 clive clivecpg 97.75
223 albertsing C-J 96.75
- Stone-online Tom M J Stone 96.75
225 FOX16 MikeNFox 96.50
226 Pain in the Haas Jim Martin 95.00
227 Banbury Chuggabugs Col 93.75
228 This Haas no chance Mrs Hatch 92.50
229 Flying Fergies JR 91.50
- LightningLymn SarahL 91.50
231 Titch Racing Tara Hatch 91.00
232 j-maclaren j mac 90.25
233 bulldog bulldogs nuts 89.75
234 Jazzyboy Jasper 88.50
- Wills team Lymbo12 88.50
- Go Go Gadget Team Rick Steele 88.50
- Mummy's Motors Sarah 88.50
238 Still loyal Beancounter 88.00
239 Mega Motors Adam 85.50
- Plunkett Racing jacquie 85.50
241 Richard's Racers Richard H 85.25
242 Little & Large AlexHutchinson 84.00
- Speedy Team Leon Waddington 84.00
244 PhotogAndy Andyh2016 82.50
245 Suffolk 'n' Close Mark Edwards 80.25
246 Danardi F1 Danardi F1 77.75
247 AMD F1 Codhead72 77.00
- Garnizé F1 Garniziu 77.00
249 CLG Ash 75.25
250 Going the Distance Cake 74.00
- Team Cake GotCake 74.00
252 The Stirling Moss Portal Andrew Wilkins 69.25
253 Glennisawesome racing Glenn Brightey 62.25
254 MunzKi Alfonse 58.75
255 BadgersRacingStripes AndersG 57.75