Reality F1 - Fantasy F1 competition

2011 German Grand Prix results

Race results from the 2011 German Grand Prix.

Pos Team name Owner Points
1 Gold medal winner The Dutch Rudders Durantosaurus 176.00
2 Silver medal winner F1 Renaissance DropkickJoe 171.00
- Silver medal winner speed_freek willetts 171.00
4 Bronze medal winner Spanky B danielbanks 165.50
- Bronze medal winner Silk Cut Camel Smo Trickle 165.50
6 Alien Paul psylsph 164.00
7 TeamBest steph21 161.00
8 Silver Devils ladj45 157.00
9 Karolino Pretro domotec 155.00
10 Serenity RT spectre51 151.50
11 Toro Rubbish JStansfield 149.00
12 Team A Speedy Reedy 147.50
- Suit Up Racing wildheart90 147.50
14 team_hutch chris_hutch 147.00
- Hippy Racing Col Dixon 147.00
- Haynes Heroes DavidH 147.00
- Lucas Grand Prix Luco 147.00
- Sky Swans Racing Paulyj123 147.00
19 Barstewards F1 allanchast 146.50
- Touching Base ElaineC 146.50
21 mclaren friv 142.50
- Tarw Goch TexasPete 142.50
23 daves dream team dave the rave 141.50
- Yes Yes Yes No The Wish 141.50
- In the Pitts V 141.50
26 No KERS flappy wings Kieren 140.50
27 CB Tech Racing mic1000 140.00
- rosbifracing rosbif 140.00
29 Molly Molly 138.00
30 spamF1 STEVECASS 137.50
- The Racing Snakes wamiejoods 137.50
32 Chao Kuai chao_xian 136.50
- MagicTeam magicaltrevor 136.50
- Cottee GP RobCottee 136.50
35 SchumiNumber1Fan AMBrimberry 136.00
36 Team Rubbish Skoda Supreme 135.50
37 Peccioli F1 pecciolif1 134.50
38 Rockpool Racing rockpool248 134.00
39 FatBoyz Avsejs 133.50
- Kiwiq Porkie 133.50
- NRT RIM Steven 133.50
42 4x4f1 4x4f1 132.50
- Hamiltons Heros FabricFrog 132.50
44 Decidedly Average mark 132.00
45 Bombus Nic.C 131.50
46 KravitzInternatonal Ted 130.50
47 Wheely Good Racing Timmyrah 129.00
48 Wacky Racing GP dannyboy 128.50
- TrenthamRacing tomtrentham 128.50
50 Scuderia Dzidzia NRJ 127.50
- Speedy Kids Sam M 127.50
52 burnrubberonme Antonyfp 127.00
- Drubbing Daddy Hayden 127.00
54 Is it the drivers Danny Boy 126.50
- Webblet Racing DerekWebb 126.50
- DJM Motorsport dmelenas 126.50
- VV Bath nrparmar 126.50
- slowcoach slowcoach 126.50
59 Last Place G Unit 125.50
- BorgCube hmelis 125.50
- Badger Racing Mome 125.50
- Pali GP pseudohendrix 125.50
- Norfolk 'n' chance tom_c76 125.50
64 Les Taureau Rouge lm317 125.00
65 plasmo F1 plasmo 124.50
66 TeamTigger jamesandtigger 123.75
67 Norfolk in chance Mark Edwards 123.50
- we will lose mercian 123.50
- hot diggity racing peldrib 123.50
- Sony Ericsson Lions velemajstor 123.50
- VFource2011 WRCSixtyThree 123.50
72 Marra's Mechanical Ian Marra 123.00
73 Hong Kong Hakkinen Matt_C 122.50
- Lets Race On d up again 122.50
- SomeFinn'sAMiss Reginald C Hopsticks 122.50
- Scort Master Flex scorty 122.50
- Black Wind WhiteyNZ 122.50
78 MPenrod Mpenrod 122.00
79 Fernando Alanso Alan 121.50
- Tokyo Alan Kev M 121.50
- Estralian Racing Matt_E 121.50
- Team Scorchio Merlin 121.50
83 False Dawn Black Sky 120.50
- Gilead Racing gunslinger 120.50
- lozzernator Laurie 120.50
- monkey monkey 120.50
- Pittsburgh Penguins MrFurny 120.50
88 JCh Team JCh 119.50
- notlast Simon T 119.50
90 Mayo GP djmayo 119.00
- MFJ F1 MFJ 119.00
- Also Ran Trevor 119.00
93 TheThirdLotus Matt W 118.50
- Daventry Racing zonatten 118.50
95 Toro Addman Addman 118.00
- CTB Racing CTBear 118.00
97 running on vapour Dan Matthews 117.50
- tribehut zakmensah 117.50
99 Colonel F2011 kdouglas1006 116.50
- shutdown_abort pilotwoo 116.50
- ratty races ratfans 116.50
102 Aus Angel F1 Angel H 115.50
- Bic et Bac papundekli 115.50
104 BriarsF1 Pete 115.25
105 price crash fishyfinances 115.00
- Fake Prototypes GTR34mh 115.00
- Team Wall Bangers M Robinson 115.00
- Sausage Chewer Schui 115.00
109 Bitten 'n' Hisses Adam T 114.75
110 Wheel nutz brags 114.50
- Pitstop Pirates sshakes 114.50
112 Aussie Webber Aussie Tony 114.00
113 Hot Conrod axemanjon 113.50
- shaunshifters bitzer 113.50
- Team John Deere Mrs Hatch 113.50
- Shauns 'Z'-listers ShaunRC92 113.50
- Budgie SophieC 113.50
118 zoomzoom amystokes812 112.50
- Gran Turismo chub 112.50
- Big Red Bullocks James 112.50
- Baby Formula Josur 112.50
- MpzoneF1 Mpzone 112.50
124 Dava Racing David M 112.00
- Prestige Worldwide Heffalump 112.00
- jackrabbit jackrabbit 112.00
- BlondeGP James Blonde 112.00
- Charva GP Lowe 112.00
- The Lotus Position PaulSm 112.00
- Elves and Schumacher Savemysanity 112.00
- Titch Racing III Tara Hatch 112.00
132 Red Cow Racing OakleyF1 111.75
133 CP Racing Cherry Poppins 111.50
- Is it the cars DannyBoy No.1 111.50
- DarwinRacing11 IanR 111.50
- Red Fool Racing StressedDave 111.50
137 BadgersRacingStripes AndersG 111.00
138 Brimberry F1 ABrimberry 110.50
- Brooke F1 BBrimberry 110.50
- Road Runners Nic 110.50
- Channel 4 News Team Nigel Seymour 110.50
- Magical Moments Winner takes all 110.50
143 Curb Crawlers Alder Driver 110.00
- Mechanical Animal howard 110.00
145 Beancounter Beancounter 109.50
- RockstarGP djbraby 109.50
- Ian F1 Ian 109.50
148 pigs might fly purseypig 109.00
- Xulyvert Team xulyvert 109.00
150 Circuit Breakers Geordiemac 108.75
151 WTF1 EmmaP 108.50
- Get out and push Flying Scotsman 108.50
- Lee's Shirt keith 108.50
154 txm andrewmcgregor 108.00
- Four Five 7 Racing Ast0reth 108.00
157 Vexhexvoxtrot Frowner 107.00
- Piston Tyred XI Hatch 107.00
- Norfolk n Chance Magicmushroom 107.00
- Girls at the wheel NathalieFr 107.00
- Brown Trouser Racing ruddermode 107.00
162 MansellMagic brownbottle 106.50
- Jasper F1 Jasper 106.50
- Mighty Blue Justice The Tick 106.50
165 Ockpit owboys player2 106.25
166 Hammond Alliance Darren.g 106.00
- El Gato Felix 106.00
168 Dumbo Dynamites davehawkinsuk 104.75
169 Taxi for Hanc0ck BenMoore 104.50
- 220 Racing carl_w 104.50
- Pitstop Piranhas stevejefferies 104.50
172 CM Grand Prix Ecclestone Jnr 104.00
- Fat Stig's waistline Fat Stig 104.00
174 Slow Macs gmac 103.50
175 chasebert chase385 103.00
- One Speed - Go davemichell 103.00
177 Ifonlyicoulddrive Biggslimm 102.00
- Phusis comingtobe 102.00
- Nola F1 nickyc 102.00
- Walrusport Wm_cam7 102.00
181 budgiesflyers budgieinsark 101.75
182 Blythin GP David B 101.50
- handbreak turn Swirvy 101.50
184 Mutley's Crew Penelope Pitstop 101.00
185 Followers Asko 100.50
186 Lean GP Graya424 100.00
- Tucano Force Brazik hunterz 100.00
- JC FerrariFan jc091275 100.00
- If carlsberg done f1 One for the road 100.00
- The Masked Marvels The Masked Marvel 100.00
- F1uke VicJenks 100.00
192 Mad Hatter Racing JamesM 99.50
- Kaanaa Canucks janne 99.50
194 CEF1 chaoticending 99.00
195 Lancelot Albion 130purple 98.75
196 Harrier Racing Rach 98.50
197 Gugavfx F1 Gugavfx 98.25
198 Das Stig BarryK 98.00
- DB Racing BURNETTD 98.00
200 chandler surreymale1980 97.50
201 Scion GP Eyesinthedrk 97.00
202 Reds Racing DRedstall 96.75
203 Coatezy Racing coatezy 96.50
- Scarlatto Mucca Jem Casey 96.50
- Phirey Phowson Paddy H 96.50
- pimple pimple 96.50
207 FAB Racing FAB Fiona 96.00
- Cabinetmaker John Martin 96.00
- Pittstop Peter 96.00
210 Old Stanfordians John and Chris 95.50
- hunting with cogs John Smith 95.50
212 josh dragons bigwig999 95.25
- RoadRagers SUVRoadRage 95.25
214 Speedy and Annoyed Balador 95.00
215 JBRacing Green 94.75
- Recession Racer Rod Knock 94.75
- Stigmatics F1 Smiley Chris 94.75
218 Team Ollie Cybermatt 94.50
- jim cravitz jim cravitz 94.50
- Flat Out Racing Louis 94.50
- Rouge Racers martinpredfearn 94.50
222 ForceTatmus Turbo Tatmus 94.25
223 Long Shot Heroes Catwoman 94.00
- HOTGASLEAK geoffincornwall 94.00
- Galaxy Spartans KiNgYwhu36 94.00
- Pep's Road Ragers pEp 94.00
- The FAsT Controller Rich 94.00
229 1001 days out gilesgreenwood 93.50
230 Pit Stop Partridge Pit Stop Partridge 93.25
231 Acronym bluelagoon 93.00
- Last lap losers ChrisG 93.00
- henna's halfwits hennahairgel 93.00
- BMUU Racing Joe kiddie-catcher Kony 93.00
235 StillBetterThanMyDad luka 92.50
236 Mclaren Honda kingofnoon 92.00
- Cheapskates mathsmek 92.00
238 D and D Racing colinmc82 91.50
239 SuperHighInj.Timing TEEJMEEJLEEJ 91.00
240 GRJ GRAHAMRJ 90.75
241 CrazyBen CrazyBen 90.50
- Old Gold CaravanClub Gary 90.50
- Henry Honda Lynda 90.50
- Speedy Printers Van Driver 90.50
245 Team Luas Aidan 90.00
- Team Burto Burto 90.00
- Spanishist israelconesa 90.00
- JD Racing Jon 90.00
- Team Pursey Pursey 82 90.00
250 PsychoSamuraiBunnies Mhughes2k 89.50
- waltham bangers muirfield2 89.50
252 Renault kin chance Jim Martin 89.00
253 My Fiesta's Faster Pursey 28 88.50
254 shrooom Andy Bailey 88.00
- Bigbird Racing Bigbird 88.00
- Captin Slow Racing Julsy86 88.00
- FOX2011 MikeNFox 88.00
- Arrows Tobias 88.00
259 Pimpmobile3 ashleyj03 87.50
260 Hyperion Andrzej 87.00
- Millhouse Doggles 2 mcardle 87.00
262 karen's kers mrs hoopy 86.50
263 Veedub Sport johnshields83 85.50
- Amy's Bitch mrumbles 85.50
265 Tinkers Laineepoos 84.50
266 MegaMotors Adam 84.00
- ilovepenguins lizthesloth 84.00
- Hoo Racing rgrigsby 84.00
- williams speedsters stevie c 84.00
270 King Yang Racing JGarfield 83.50
- unlucky13 unlucky13 83.50
272 Team Danardi Danardi F1 83.00
- Sarahsf1 Dietbear 83.00
- MSGR matyg 83.00
- Hurm... Rorschach 83.00
- Konador GP TisBen 83.00
277 Hunger Hunger 82.50
278 jeanies wheels jeanief1 82.00
- SFF1 steven2681 82.00
- Entourage TheoMensah 82.00
281 Maki2 BOOBOO 81.00
- Coding Monkeys Markku 81.00
- Carlos Sainz ottoisintrouble 81.00
- Cropper's Crasher's cropps 80.50
- ButtonUp faygate 80.50
- BrakeDust Jarkko 80.50
- Wheels Off matt7 80.50
- mk racing mk_racing 80.50
- bodypainting f1 philip 80.50
291 Proverbwll Bay GP Mink Newberry 80.00
- Max's Economy Drive tight-fister 80.00
293 Ergast Ergast 79.25
294 DBRacing dcbirch 79.00
- Lets try these grandad 79.00
- Completely Clueless MelB 79.00
- team bad supernova 79.00
- Mellifera wasbee 79.00
- woody racing woody 79.00
300 Phantom Racing 10tacphantom 78.50
301 Unit Who bunnybooter 78.00
302 LostFocus dominik 77.50
- TeamB karin 77.50
304 Flash Racing AndyCheal 77.25
305 nellys wheelies martin 77.00
- Jibbly_Wibbles MrJibbles 77.00
- Simons-Screechers sfoster2uk 77.00
- Winterwarrior Stuwin70 77.00
309 Nohands F1 Nigel 76.50
- FormulaPatel Patelovic 76.50
311 Going the Distance Cake 76.00
312 Cheat-ah Racing Linds D 74.50
313 Supadupa dotoffcentre 73.00
- JCJ Racing 10 ij7676 73.00
- Team Speedy Tortoise 73.00
316 Red or Dead Hamish 70.50
- Kir1987 kirst1987 70.50
318 z team 33 70.00
- Anubis Anuna 70.00
- Emma GP Emma 70.00
321 AniceCupofTea Wedge 69.50
322 Bell Racing Bell Racing 69.00
- Lazy Layabouts Biogod 69.00
- Flat Out MarkH 69.00
- BRM RiceChrispy4 69.00
- Beach towels on pole RichB 69.00
327 The Durtante durtante 68.50
328 Blue Arrow Racing Ieuan 68.25
329 Hikkaduwa F1 crestofawave 67.50
330 Banbury Chuggabugs Col 67.25
331 The Essex Girl jacquie 66.00
332 Unlimited Adventures chrismartin60 65.00
333 Eat my dust alwins 63.00
- big member little donkey 63.00
335 Carbon GP CarbonChaos 62.50
336 Clunge Racing b4rks 62.00
- Luckyrat racing Chris 62.00
338 Pole Position F1 AWImpreza05 61.75
339 Kings Men king_nothing6 61.50
340 Clayton Clayton 60.50
- Berger King iansealy 60.50
342 formulafabio fabio4273 60.25
343 mcClairen claire 58.00
344 ShifterF1 BrianG 55.00
345 White Stick Racing Barry 54.00
- Dennit Racing Marismo Andretti 54.00
347 Lotuses Big Hair 53.00
348 Chasing Cars Maverick 48.50
349 GonzoF1 NellieC 46.50
350 Team Corsa Chrissie 44.50
- CarRobbers Robert and Carol 44.50
352 Jelly's Juggernauts Jellybaby86 43.00
353 Mondo Bizarro John 42.00
354 Jenson Un-Buttoned emily 41.00
- The Groggers Virginia 41.00
356 pithogs andyrig 40.00
357 Fat Chance Racing lfoster 37.50
358 Mummy's Motors Sarah 35.50